My name is Tracy Keating. I was diagnosed with a Fatty Liver in the 1980’s. Back then, I was not informed of the possible dangers that could develop over time, so I ignored it. In 2006, I was 50 years old, and completed my first Sprint Triathlon. I completed 2 more the following years. I thought I was in pretty good shape and health. Then one day in early 2015, I had developed a huge abdomen. I looked 9 month pregnant. I felt OK, just was enormous overnight.
My sister took me to her PCP, who immediately sent me to a GI the next day. The day after that, I had a paracentesis (draining). The first of many. I still felt fine and was ignoring (denial) the symptoms, until I received a call from the GI doctor. He informed me that I had 2 years left to live. THUD!!! OK, so I figured it might be serious now. The doctor talked about “transplant”. I was still trying to figure out how to take off work with my PTO and get back without telling anyone. Boy was I in for a surprise.
I was listed by March of 2015 for a liver transplant. It was very difficult for me to tell anyone. I had two boys. Their father had already passed away and I was all they had at home. How do you tell your children that they might lose you too? I felt inferior. I felt like I let my children down. I felt broken! Then, to make matters worse, I remained listed for 1,030 days. Almost 3 years.
Each day, I knew that I was much closer to this accelerated death. Each day, praying the phone will ring. I even taped it to my hand at night in case it would ring, so that I could find it to answer it. I certainly didn’t want to miss my opportunity. At this time in my life, I was living alone. Both boys had moved, one to college and the other graduated and lived out of town. Then HE hit (Hepatic Encephalitis). My body was deteriorating daily and new problems seemed to pop up daily. Now, HE was taking my mind.
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